Route 456 Dessert for Dinner

Sunday, May 5th from 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th graders - join us in the Youth Room for "getting-to-know-you” games and other Route 456 fun.

All 3rd graders and the 3rd/4th/5th grade parents are invited!!! We are excited for the 3rd graders to join us and to celebrate the 6th graders!

4:00 - Kids play a large group game while the parents learn about Route 456. Parents are free to leave after we meet for about 15 minutes.

4:30 - The kids play get to know you games and get a sneak peek at what next year might look like for Route 456.

5:15 - Ice Cream for dinner

Please sign-up below so we have enough ice cream for all!

Questions? Contact Becky.