Communications Request

for HSLC staff and volunteers

We want to ensure that we are able to include your event or article in our communications, including our monthly newsletter, weekly eNews, Sunday announcements, our website, etc. Please use the tools and forms below to submit articles and communications requests. If you have any questions, please reach out to Joan at

Newsletter Articles

Submissions for the monthly newsletters are generally due on the 20th of the month before publication (for example, March 20th to be included in the April newsletter). The June and July newsletters are combined into one. Cover articles are usually 300 words and cannot exceed 320 words, and inside articles are usually 200-230 words. Your article may be edited for length or content. If you have an event to announce, please use the Communications Request form below instead.

Communications Request

We want to make sure the HSLC community finds out about your event! After you have put your event on our church calendar (by contacting Joan in the office at, please fill out the form below, making sure to give at least 2 weeks notice before the event.